Running Dynare from MATLAB#

Dynare is often used as an extension from within MATLAB. Files are usually identified as .mod, though many other countries also use that extension.

Obtaining Dynare#

Dynare is available for download from

Do not attempt to install Dynare on CCSS or BioHPC computers.

However, it is not necessary to install Dynare, it is sufficient to unpack the ZIP files. Try the information below first:


Use the precise version of Dynare specified by the authors. If that version is not located on L:\common (CCSS Cloud) or /home2/ecco_lv39/software, then talk to your supervisor.

If a specific version is mentioned and is not there, download it from the Dynare website - choose the ZIP version. Then unzip it to the L: drive (move it around if necessary so you get the same structure as in the example above, i.e. L:\common\dynare\(SOME VERSION)\matlab). Then include the addpath command as before.

Configuring MATLAB to recognize Dynare#

  • Be sure to include the config.m file as outlined in Configuring MATLAB!

  • Inspect the last part of the config.m, it should have code much like the following:

%%% Dynare settings
% The following are possible Dynare settings. Uncomment the one you need.

% dynarepath = "/Applications/Dynare/4.6.1/matlab"
% dynarepath = "L:\LDILab\dynare\dynare-4.5.7\matlab"
%dynarepath = "L:\common\dynare-4.5.7\matlab"

% Then uncomment the following line:
  • You will want the path for the system you are working on. If CCSS Cloud, use the L: path. If on BioHPC, you will need to add a path like /home2/ecco_lv39/software/dynare-x.y.z.

  • Then uncomment the addpath() statement at the end.

Your modified config.m should look somewhat like this:

%%% Dynare settings
% The following are possible Dynare settings. Uncomment the one you need.

% dynarepath = "/Applications/Dynare/4.6.1/matlab"
% dynarepath = "L:\LDILab\dynare\dynare-4.5.7\matlab"

dynarepath = "L:\common\dynare-4.5.7\matlab"

% Then uncomment the following line:


The Matlab program should now run, and call out to the Dynare software as needed.

Running Dynare+MATLAB in Docker#

This is experimental!

Your mileage will vary

Simple command line

Obtain the value of SERVER from your supervisor.

docker1 run --rm -it \
   -v $(pwd):/project \
   -w /project \
   --entrypoint /bin/bash \

Additional info#