Stata on Linux#

BioHPC specific

On BioHPC, Stata is only available on ECCO nodes, and is not described in the general software notes. See Stata notes for BioHPC using ECCO. Follow the notes on how to set up modules at

Finding Stata#

  • There are multiple versions of Stata on BioHPC: 14, 16, and 18

  • You should always use stata-mp

  • Stata is not “in the path”, so you should do one of the following:

    • Reference the version of Stata explicitly: /usr/local/stata16/stata-mp or /usr/local/stata18/stata-mp

    • Add Stata to the path:

export PATH=/usr/local/stata16:$PATH

and then simply use stata-mp in the same session (the PATH gets reset once you log out from a session or close the terminal.

TMP directory#

Ensure that the tmp directory being used is running on the BioHPC /workdir space, by running the following commands before executing your program(s):

export STATATMP=/workdir/netid/tmp

before launching Stata.