Checking Unassigned Jira Tickets#


Basic Instructions#

  • Go to the unassigned filter in Jira

    • Easy way: click on this link

    • Longer way: Dashboards > Admin Dashboard > AEA tasks by Assignee section > scroll down to “Unassigned”.

  • Click on the Key for a case to start the process.

  • The Jira issue should have two documents attached:

    • The manuscript (“PDF_Proof.pdf”)f

    • The DCAF (should never be missing…)

  • Open up the DCAF (you can do this within Jira, without downloading).

In the most recent cases, fill out the following info from the DCAF attached:

  • Fill out the openICPSR Project Number - this should be JUST the pure number part, not openicpsr-123456!

  • If a different DOI is there (does not include 10.3886), copy the full DOI into the field Replication package URL!

  • Review the part with “Is any of the data used in this manuscript….”. This will be encoded in the field DCAF_Access_Restrictions_V2 (which is on the DCAF tab in Jira)

Unassigned Ticket DCAF Fields

  • if Yes, data can be made available privately is checked:

    • Create a subtask of type Request additional data, with subject Request Restricted Access Data for (AEAREP-NUMBER)

    • Restricted Access Data subtask

    • Tag the Assistant Data Editor in the newly created subtask comment.

    • The Assistant Data Editor will do additional steps

Now you need to open the draft replication deposit (typically, but not always on openICPSR)

  • Click on the Replication Package URL, which will open up a separate tab.

  • Find the README in the deposit.

  • Click on the README (you can preview, probably do not need to download) and scan through to identify the software used

  • Go to the tab Repl info and add the software identified to the Software Used field.

Check if the case is a revision:#

Check if the case is a Revision by going to the Other Links tab and clicking the JiraSearchMC. If there are other Jira issues (not subtasks or FYIs), then it is a Revision.

Checking For Revision

  • Link the Revision: Go back to the main Task you were editing, click “Link issue” > “Is a Revision of” and then input the AEAREP number of the older task.

Linking Revision to Main Issue

  • Update the MCStatus field to include ‘Revision’ if it doesn’t already have it.

  • Update the bitbucket short name with the repository name of the previous cases.

  • Check if the older Jira ticket had restricted access data (i.e. Working location of restricted data was filled out). If yes:

    • Link Issue, select type “relates to” and add the aearep-xxx for the subtask “Request Restricted Access Data for AEAREP-nnn”

    • Fill out Working location of restricted data with the same L drive path

    • Fill out Agreement Signed to match the older Jira ticket

Non-standard unassigned cases#

When you get a Jira ticket titled "Contact form submission (, FirstName LastName)", often these are in reference to openICPSR deposit that have already been published. The message is from someone reviewing the deposit and found something concerning, like a missing code file or potential PII.

  • Review the message in the Primary Info Section.

  • Using the DOI or article titled provided, search for the Manuscript Identifier.

    • You can find the article titled on the manuscript attached.

    • You can find the DOI under the “Other Links” tab.

Article DOI

  • Fill out the Journal field and the Manuscript Central Identifer field.

  • Mark the MCStatus as Update and fill out the Update Type (under Other Links) as the appropriate label, depending on who is contacting us.

  • Tag the Assistant Data Editor in the ticket comments.

  • The Assistant Data Editor will contact the authors.