We use email (yes, we know 🙄) through a mailing list
Ask lots of questions
Communicate with each other (answer each other’s questions)
When you expect to be absent/ cannot handle a request in a timely fashion
email the AEA Data Editor and assistants
For pre-publication tasks, we also use Jira.
you can comment on Jira in the web interface
in the Jira app on your phone
by response email
When you are assigned a task in Jira, and do not expect to be able to start work on it immediately, please let us know ASAP.
We have a wiki with guidance, suggestions, tips and tricks.
look there first for answers
if you get an answer by email, or figure it out yourself, add it to the FAQ
Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your British aunt (or your mom, or your dad) to see. Write cleanly and concisely.
much of what we write will be seen by others
much of what we write is public (Wiki)
the reports you write should be concise, and shareable (we expect to do minimal editing before sending it out to authors)
For reference: Authors who have seen the documents written by this group
Esther Duflo (Nobel Prize Economics 2019)
John Abowd (Chief Scientist at the US Census Bureau)
Janet Yellen (former Chair of the Federal Reserve Board)
Thomas Piketty (famous economist)