Job scheduler on BioHPC


Job scheduler on BioHPC#

A SLURM cluster cbsueccosl01 is maintained by Lars on behalf of Econ, on several nodes. Some are dedicated to the SLURM scheduler, others “borrowed”; the latter might not always be available. There are between 48 and 144 “slots” (cpus) available for compute jobs. The following table shows the allocated nodes. This list is static: to see at any point in time the available nodes, type

sinfo --cluster cbsueccosl01

in a terminal window on the head node,[1] to obtain a result such as

$ sinfo --cluster cbsueccosl01
CLUSTER: cbsueccosl01
regular*     up   infinite      1  drain* cbsueccosl03
regular*     up   infinite      6   idle cbsuecco[07,09-10,12],cbsueccosl[01,04]

which shows that currently, 6 nodes are available for jobs, one node is not accepting jobs (but running any jobs to completion).

Nodename allocation cpu benchmark (single thread) cores RAM local storage in TB model cores per CPU CPUs vintage
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Who can use#

Everybody in the ECCO group can submit jobs.