Quick start#

Command line#

You need command line access to submit. You do not need a reservation to access a command line, you can connect to the BioHPC Login (head) node cbsulogin?.biohpc.cornell.edu.

One-time setup#

Setting up SLURM-specific settings#

From a command line, run the following lines, logout, then back in, and henceforth you can skip the --cluster cbsueccosl01 option:

echo 'export SLURM_CLUSTERS="cbsueccosl01"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo netid@cornell.edu >> $HOME/.forward

(replace your netid in the second command).

Enabling software via module#

git clone https://github.com/labordynamicsinstitute/biohpc-modules $HOME/.modulefiles.d

See Customizing modules for more details.

Submitting jobs#

You can submit from the command line (SSH) at the login nodes cbsulogin?.biohpc.cornell.edu (see access description. All commands (sbatch, squeue, sinfo, etc) have to be run with option --cluster cbsueccosl01 (but see one-time setup).

There is only one partition (queue) containing all nodes, default parameters (changeable through SLURM options at submission, see below) are:

  • 1 core and 4 GB RAM per job

  • infinite run time.

Interactive shell#

Interactive shell can be requested with command

srun --cluster cbsueccosl01 --pty bash -l

or if you ran the above TIP:

srun --pty bash -l

If you need a specific node, use

srun -w cbsueccoXX --pty bash -l

To see running jobs#


To cancel a running job#


scancel (ID)

where the ID can be gleaned from the squeue command.

Additional information#