Julia example

Julia example#


We will assume that your code and data are organized as follows:

            ├── test.jl
            ├── data.csv
            ├── etc.

Quick run#

srun julia test.jl


# test.jl
x = rand(1000);
function sum_global()
           s = 0.0
           for i in x
               s += i
           return s
@time sum_global()
@time sum_global()

which yields

[lv39@cbsulogin project]$ srun  julia test.jl
  0.016342 seconds (7.42 k allocations: 303.106 KiB, 98.58% compilation time)
  0.000143 seconds (3.49 k allocations: 70.156 KiB)

SBATCH script#

Create a new file, called main.sbatch, with the following content:


Use the default options from the SBATCH example, and paste them into main.sbatch.


Now for the functional part, which is more or less the same as the srun command above, but with some additional options:

# Modules aren't available yet for Julia, consider using `juliaup`. 

srun julia test.jl