Citing the paper or the data?
Several data distributors already request or require citation as per their terms of use, or as a note on their websites. Often, following traditional usage, they request citation of a published article, not of the data. For example, the widely used “Penn World Tables” request that the article that introduced this version of the Penn tables be cited:
Feenstra, Robert C, Robert Inklaar, and Marcel P Timmer. 2015.“The next generation of the Penn World Table.” American Economic Review, 105(10): 3150-82.
For accurate citations as well as compliance with data citation principles, in addition to citing the Feenstra et al (2015) article as requested by the data provider, authors should also correctly cite the data:
Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer. 2016. “Penn World Table 9.0.” Groningen Growth and Development Centre.