Full description as per the (template) README
Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package at the end of your research project.
Following some best practices from day 1 can not only help you prepare this package later, but also make you more productive researchers.
Following some best practices before releasing a package can avoid costly revisions.
When typing
Following some best practices before releasing a package can avoid costly revisions.
my coding AI suggested that I add
“and embarrassing retractions”…
Contents of a package
All code, whether used in RDC or not
All public data, whether used in RDC or not
Full description as per the (template) README
That’s easy: you’ve been keeping clean instructions since the start, right?
” or
You’ve been doing that since day 1!
In most confidential environments, such as FSRDC/ IRE, this part is out of your control. But describe it anyway!
which estout
)Include the qsub
files! (Or if you used qstata
or such, describe that).
In order to describe data availability, split into two:
Examples include
Examples include
- All the results in the paper use confidential microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau. To gain access to the Census microdata, follow the directions here on how to write a proposal for access to the data via a Federal Statistical Research Data Center:
Examples include
- You must request the following datasets in your proposal:
- Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), 2002 and 2007
- Foreign Trade Database – Import (IMP), 2002 and 2007
- Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM), including the Computer Network Use Supplement (CNUS), 1999
- […]
- Annual Survey of Magical Inputs (ASMI), 2002 and 2007
Examples include
- Reference
- “Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing” by Teresa Fort, project number br1179 in the proposal. This will give you access to the programs and input datasets required to reproduce the results. Requesting a search of archives with the articles DOI (“10.1093/restud/rdw057”) should yield the same results.
Examples include
NOTE: Project-related files are available for 10 years as of 2015.
Examples include
The information used in the analysis combines several Danish administrative registers (as described in the paper). The data use is subject to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) per new Danish regulations from May 2018. The data are physically stored on computers at Statistics Denmark and, due to security considerations, the data may not be transferred to computers outside Statistics Denmark.
Examples include
Researchers interested in obtaining access to the register data employed in this paper are required to submit a written application to gain approval from Statistics Denmark. The application must include a detailed description of the proposed project, its purpose, and its social contribution, as well as a description of the required datasets, variables, and analysis population.
Examples include
Applications can be submitted by researchers who are affiliated with Danish institutions accepted by Statistics Denmark, or by researchers outside of Denmark who collaborate with researchers affiliated with these institutions.
(Example taken from Fadlon and Nielsen, AEJ:Applied 2021).
Also grant permission to your project files:
I grant any researchers with appropriate Census-approved project permission to use my exact research files provided that those files were among the ones that they requested when the approval was obtained (a Census Bureau requirement). These files can be found by searching for the DOI of [this archive/ this article] amongst backups/archives made in [month of archive].
Bureau of the Census. (release year). American Community Survey-Master Address File Crosswalk YYYY-YYZZ [Data File]. Federal Statistical Research Data Center [distributor].
Graf, Tobias; Grießemer, Stephan; Köhler, Markus; Lehnert, Claudia; Moczall, Andreas; Oertel, Martina; Schmucker, Alexandra; Schneider, Andreas; Seth, Stefan; Thomsen, Ulrich; vom Berge, Philipp (2023): “Weakly anonymous Version of the Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies (SIAB) – Version 7521 v1”. Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). https:/
- Data availability (and citations): | Start of project, edit at the end |
- Computer requirements: | Middle of project |
- Description of processing: | Middle of project |
with the end really just a last read/edit.
In Stata, we typically do not talk about environments, but the same basic structure applies: Stata searches along a set order for its commands.
Some commands are built into the executable (the software that is opened when you click on the Stata icon), but most other internal, and all external commands, are found in a search path.
directoriesThe default set of directories which can be searched, from a freshly installed Stata, can be queried with the sysdir
command, and will look something like this:
search orderThe search paths where Stata looks for commands is queried by adopath
, and looks similar, but now has an order assigned to each entry:
When we install a package (net install
, ssc install
)1, only one of the (sysdir
) paths is relevant: PLUS
But the (PLUS)
directory can be manipulated
* Set the root directory
global rootdir : pwd
* Define a location where we will hold all packages in THIS project (the "environment")
global adodir "$rootdir/ado"
* make sure it exists, if not create it.
cap mkdir "$adodir"
* Now let's simplify the adopath
* - remove the OLDPLACE and PERSONAL paths
* - NEVER REMOVE THE SYSTEM-WIDE PATHS - bad things will happen!
adopath - OLDPLACE
adopath - PERSONAL
* modify the PLUS path to point to our new location, and move it up in the order
sysdir set PLUS "$adodir"
adopath ++ PLUS
* verify the path
* Set the root directory
global rootdir : pwd
* Define a location where we will hold all packages in THIS project (the "environment")
global adodir "$rootdir/ado"
* make sure it exists, if not create it.
cap mkdir "$adodir"
* Now let's simplify the adopath
* - remove the OLDPLACE and PERSONAL paths
* - NEVER REMOVE THE SYSTEM-WIDE PATHS - bad things will happen!
adopath - OLDPLACE
adopath - PERSONAL
* modify the PLUS path to point to our new location, and move it up in the order
sysdir set PLUS "$adodir"
adopath ++ PLUS
* verify the path
So it is no longer found. Why? Because we have removed the previous location (the old PLUS
path) from the search sequence. It’s as if it didn’t exist.
When we now install reghdfe
. ssc install reghdfe
checking reghdfe consistency and verifying not already installed...
installing into C:\Users\lv39\Documents\PROJECT123\ado\plus\...
installation complete.
. which reghdfe
*! version 6.12.3 08aug2023
We now see it in the project-specific directory, which we can distribute with the whole project.
Let’s imagine we need an older version of reghdfe
Most package repositories are versioned:
Stata does not (as of 2024). But see the full site for one approach.
From the earlier desiderata of environments:
Store secrets in environment variables or files that are not published.
Github secret scanning
Typed interactively (here for Linux and Mac)
(this is not recommended)
Same syntax used for contents of “dot-env” or “Renviron” files, and in fact bash
or zsh
startup files (.bash_profile
, .zshrc
Edit .Renviron
(note the dot!) files:
# Edit global (personal) Renviron
# You can also consider creating project-specific settings:
usethis::edit_r_environ(scope = "project")
Use the variables defined in .Renviron
Loading regular environment variables:
Loading with dotenv
Yes, this also works in Stata
// load from environment
global mysecret : env MYSECRET
display "$mysecret" // don't actually do this in code
and via (what else) a user-written package for loading from files:
//============ non-confidential parameters =========
include ""
//============ confidential parameters =============
capture confirm file "$code/confidential/"
if _rc == 0 {
// file exists
include "$code/confidential/"
} else {
di in red "No confidential parameters found"
//============ end confidential parameters =========
replace anoncounty=1 if county="Tompkins, NY"
).A really bad idea, but yes, you probably want to hide that.
So whether reasonable or not, this is an issue. How do you do that, without messing up the code, or spending hours redacting your code?
and q3e
are considered confidential by some rule, and that the minimum cell size 10
is also confidential.Only one line that does not contain “confidential” information.
A bad example, because literally making more work for you and for future replicators, is to manually redact the confidential information with text that is not legitimate code:
set seed NNNNN
use <removed vars> county using "<removed path>", clear
gen logprofit = log(XXXX)
by county: collapse (count) n=XXXX (mean) logprofit
drop if n<XXXX
graph twoway n logprofit
The redacted program above will no longer run, and will be very tedious to un-redact if a subsequent replicator obtains legitimate access to the confidential data.
Simply replacing the confidential data with replacement that are valid placeholders in the programming language of your choice is already better. Here’s the confidential version of the file:
//============ confidential parameters =============
global confseed 12345
global confpath "/data/economic/cmf2012"
global confprofit q2f
global confemploy q3e
global confmincell 10
//============ end confidential parameters =========
set seed $confseed
use $confprofit county using "${confpath}/extract.dta", clear
gen logprofit = log($confprofit)
by county: collapse (count) n=$confemploy (mean) logprofit
drop if n<$confmincell
graph twoway n logprofit
and this could be the released file, part of the replication package:
//============ confidential parameters =============
global confseed XXXX // a number
global confpath "XXXX" // a path that will be communicated to you
global confprofit XXX // Variable name for profit T26
global confemploy XXX // Variable name for employment T26
global confmincell XXX // a number
//============ end confidential parameters =========
set seed $confseed
use $confprofit county using "${confpath}/extract.dta", clear
gen logprofit = log($confprofit)
by county: collapse (count) n=$confemploy (mean) logprofit
drop if n<$confmincell
graph twoway n logprofit
While the code won’t run as-is, it is easy to un-redact, regardless of how many times you reference the confidential values, e.g., q2f
, anywhere in the code.
Main file
//============ confidential parameters =============
capture confirm file "$code/confidential/"
if _rc == 0 {
// file exists
include "$code/confidential/""
} else {
di in red "No confidential parameters found"
//============ end confidential parameters =========
//============ non-confidential parameters =========
global safepath "$rootdir/releasable"
cap mkdir "$safepath"
//============ end parameters ======================
Main file
// :::: Process only if confidential data is present
capture confirm file "${confpath}/extract.dta"
if _rc == 0 {
set seed $confseed
use $confprofit county using "${confpath}/extract.dta", clear
gen logprofit = log($confprofit)
by county: collapse (count) n=$confemploy (mean) logprofit
drop if n<$confmincell
save "${safepath}/figure1.dta", replace
} else { di in red "Skipping processing of confidential data" }
//============ at this point, the data is releasable ======
// :::: Process always
use "${safepath}/figure1.dta", clear
graph twoway n logprofit
graph export "${safepath}/figure1.pdf", replace
Auxiliary file $code/confidential/"
(not released)
Auxiliary file $code/include/
(this is released)
//============ confidential parameters =============
// Copy this file to $code/confidential/ and edit
global confseed XXXX // a number
global confpath "XXXX" // a path that will be communicated to you
global confprofit XXX // Variable name for profit T26
global confemploy XXX // Variable name for employment T26
global confmincell XXX // a number
//============ end confidential parameters =========
Thus, the replication package would have:
We often see code that “fixes” problems in the data by hard-coding a mapping:
The information in columns name
or county
might be confidential.
By coding this information as part of your programs, you have made the code confidential!
As before, you might move this code into a separate file:
If you realize that the mapping is actually data, then treating it as any other data (much of which might also be confidential) is both
while being secure.
if (!file.exists("data/confidential/names_mapping.csv")) {
names_confidential %>%
left_join(read_csv("data/confidential/names_mapping.csv"), by = "name") %>%
# replace name with name_alt if the latter is not NA
mutate(name = if_else(!, name_alt, name)) %>%
# drop the name_alt column
select(-name_alt) -> names_clean
, graph export
, regsave
)stata -b do
not fine-grained enough) linkRun it all again, top to bottom!
Now you wait for the replicators to show up!
A license (licence) is an official permission or permit to do, use, or own something (as well as the document of that permission or permit).2 3
Some additional guidance can be found on the website of the Social Science Data Editors (URLs subject to change):
net install
refererence. Strictly speaking, the location where ado packages are installed can be changed via the net set ado
command, but this is rarely done in practice, and we won’t do it here.