Session 1 - Institutional support: Should journals verify reproducibility?

Different journals have different approaches towards enforcement of their data availability policies, ranging from a thorough and complete verification including running code and checking the output, to a cursory review of the files provided to make sure they appear satisfactory, to simply receiving the data and code package and archiving it on a website or a repository. What drives the choice of approach? What are the reasons behind such choices?

In this webinar, held on September 27th, 2022, and moderated by Lars Vilhuber, we had three panelists who are experts on this topic:

  1. Guido Imbens, Professor of Economics at the School of Humanities and Sciences; Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; Coulter Family Faculty Fellow at Stanford University, and editor of Econometrica,
  2. Tim Salmon, Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University and the editor of Economic Inquiry, and
  3. Toni Whited, Dale L. Dykema Professor of Business Administration at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and editor-in-chief at the Journal of Financial Economics.